Friday, July 10, 2009

Kakadu - Nourlangie

Nourlangie is another place there is aboriginal art. There is a big area between rocks where the people used to live. The paintings at Nourlangie are about some of the dreamtime stories. One big guy used to throw yams at people. There is a painting of Lightening Man, the picture has stone axes on his elbows and knees that he used to make the bangs of thunder. You really can't go in the rivers here because the crocs are salties (saltwater crocodiles) and they are meat eaters!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Finn

    We hope you are having a great day. The weather here today is quite sunny but it has been very cold and rainy lately. Here are our questions for this week.

    1. How come the lizard in your photo had two different colours?

    2. How many pools have you swam in and which one was your favourite?

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Love from
    Prep/1 M
