Thursday, July 30, 2009


We drove from Cairns to the Daintree National Park. We had to get onto a ferry to go across the Daintree River. We went to the beach near Cape Tribulation and I made a sand castle and used coconut shells to make boats. Of course I went for a swim even though I didn't have my bathers. We saw a mudhopper in a little creek on the beach, it looked really funny skipping over the top of the water. It used its fins like arms and had a fish tail. It rained - it's a long time since we've seen rain - but I guess it was a rainforest. A. Bear went into the rainforest with the vines and the mangroves and the enormous fan palms.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Finn

    It's Prep/One again! It looks like you crammed lots of things into the last few days. Here are our questions for this week.

    Were you able to take a photo of a mud-hopper? We are not quite sure what they look like. Are they a type of fish? We thought they might be because they have fins.

    What did you use to crack the coconuts open?

    We look forward to hearing from you soon.

    It is Andrea's last day today. She is going back to Mexico on Saturday. She said to say goodbye and she will miss you.

    Love from
    Prep/One M
