Sunday, May 31, 2009

12 Apostles

We got up really early to see sunrise at the 12 Apostles. They are big
rocks in the water.

We saw dinosaurs

On Friday we saw dinosaurs and A-Bear went in a velociraptor's mouth.
We went to the Otway Fly. It's a lot like the Tahune Airwalk. I
climbed up a tower that was 47 metres above the ground. In the
rainforest they had some fake dinosaurs, but they looked quite real.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Apollo Bay

I walked to the beach near our holiday house and built a sandcastle. Later we went into the forest and saw some koalas in the bush. Some were sleeping but others, like this one, were awake and looking at us from their gum trees. This map shows the way we went to get from Blackmans Bay to Apollo Bay.

Spirit of Tasmania

We went from Devonport to Melbourne on the Spirit of Tasmania during the night. It was a bit rough (but not very). I slept in a cabin with a window under a lifeboat. The lifeboat could take 150 people. Our car was parked a long way down inside the boat and we were the very last car to get off in Melbourne. My Nanny and Poppy waited for us when they got off the boat and we had some breakfast with them. We left Melbourne to go to our holiday house in Apollo Bay.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"A Bear"

This is A Bear (short for Aloysius Bear), he is coming on my big trip with me.