Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fraser Island

We went on a ferry to Fraser Island and then got on a 4WD bus to drive around. Fraser Island is the biggest sand island on the world. Everything is built or growing on sand. The roads are all sand and someone in front of us got bogged. We went to Lake Birrabeen, as you can see the water was very clear. We went on a walk through the rainforest and then drove up the beach in our bus. There were lots of people driving in both directions as well as people fishing. Sometimes
we had to drive through the water and other times over bumpy bits in the sand dunes. We stopped at a shipwreck on the beach and at Eli Creek where lots of people swim (there are sharks off the beach so they don't swim there).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Finn,

    this is prep/one again. We are missing you amd you are very lucky to be in the sun. We have had a lot of rain here.

    We would like to know if anyone has been bitten by a shark on Frasser Island?

    We are interested to know how the shipped became a ship wreck? was it bitten by a shark, perhaps?

    We all hope you are having a wonderful time,

    from Prep/One.
